Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Growing up - good but sad

Nixon turned 6 months old on Sept 2nd (already!). It's so much fun watching him discover the world around him. He's also becoming more mobile day by day. He's perfected rolling over from his tummy to his back and is close to rolling the other way. He's also close to sitting up on his own.

He's such a happy baby (except when he's really tired, then we have about 10 seconds to put him to bed before it's meltdown time). He is the sunshine in our lives.

Here are a few recent photos. I really want to post some videos, but I keep getting errors on this thing (arrrgghh!!). Hopefully I'll be able to post those soon, so check back later.

Nixon and Daddy

Just plain cute


Katherine said...

ah, he's adorable! I love pic #2 that's greatness.

The Nobles said...

He is so cute! I can't believe how big he has gotten. We are planning on coming to Dallas the week of Christmas. If you guys are around we should get together.

Amber Ayres said...

He looks really grown up in that last one! we need to get together some time! we miss ya'll