Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I'm a big boy now

Nixon's hair is finally starting to grow. He kind of has a mohawk since the sides are really short and the top is much longer. One night after his bath, I was stroking his wet hair as I fed him. This was the result -

Nixon ate cereal for the first time on Monday night, Aug 25th. He's one week shy of 6 months old. I opted to wait this long due to my concern with food allergies, especially since his daddy has some he could inherit (let's hope not). I took some video of him eating, but it's not exciting enough to post here. At least I have it for posterity. Nixon did really well with the meal. At first he kept pushing a lot of it out with his tongue, but after a few tries, he seemed to get the hang of it. Tonight (3 days later) I thickened it up a bit and gave him more. He really seems to like it and probably could have eaten a lot more than I gave him. I realize this is not that exciting to most of you, but the whole ordeal made us kind of sad - Nixon is growing up and becoming a big boy already!

Evidence of his meal around his mouth

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Lots of travel

So several things have happened in the last few weeks. Nixon rode on a plane for the first time when we went to Midland, TX. We went on a Thursday night so I could work on Friday out there, and we came back Sunday. Actually, we came home Monday morning because we missed our flight due to accidentally leaving Nixon's milk in the fridge at Nathan's parents' house. That's a whole other story. Anyway, he was really good on both flights.

Nixon on the plane

The following weekend I took Nixon out to Sedalia, Missouri to visit my grandmother. Sedalia is a town of about 20,000 people, but it's the location of the Missouri State Fair, which happened to open that weekend we were there. My brother Scottie and his wife Kelli met us in Kansas City, and the 4 of us spent 3 days with Grandma. We had a great time. Nixon was pretty good but definitely had his fussy moments when he didn't want to take naps. Scottie and Kelli were good sports as his crying times were usually at 9am in the morning when they were still asleep, until he woke them up.

Grandma holding Nixon

Uncle Scottie and Aunt Kelli with Nixon at the fair