Friday, March 13, 2009


Here are 2 videos as promised. They probably aren't that exciting to most of you, but of course I think they are way cute. The second one is one of my favorites. He did that as I was talking on the phone to my mother-in-law. I turned around to find the surprise. By the way, Nixon was only 10 1/2 months old when he crawled down the steps by himself. Every time he would get close to the stairs as soon as he started crawling, I would show him how to turn around and go down feet first. Of course I didn't think it was sinking in until one day, to my astonishment, I turned around to see him on his tummy pushing backwards to go feet first down the stairs. Yes, I know, he's a genius. He definitely takes after his father in that regard. : )

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Happy Birthday, Nixon!!

I can't believe it's come and gone already, but Nixon turned one year old on March 2nd. We didn't do anything major for it, however Nathan's family came that weekend to celebrate. We did have a little party with a few presents.

One of his favorite activities - pushing things over

Yay, it's my birthday!!

The "cake"

Ooh, what is that?

Hmm, interesting. Never had anything like this before.

That was too much fun

Long awaited update

It's so crazy how quickly babies grow up. Nixon isn't walking yet, but since his first crawling attempt on Dec 11th, he's extremely mobile now and gets into everything. His latest thing is trying to open the lid on the kitchen trash can. He's pinched his fingers a few times when the lid shuts on him, but that doesn't stop him from trying again. He's also figured out how to open the drawers in the kitchen, so the one that contains his bowls and medicine syringes is a favorite to open and fling everything out. And, he's FINALLY getting his first teeth - both bottom ones are coming in at the same time. He's been exhibiting signs of teething for the last 3 weeks, but the first glimpse of white came a day or 2 after his first birthday.

Nixon is such a happy little boy and loves to laugh. He thought watching Uncle Scottie and Uncle Robbie playing ping pong last weekend in Houston was the most hilarious thing he'd ever seen. I wish I would have gotten it on video. Oh well, maybe next time.

Here are a few photos I've taken since New Year's.

At the Arboretum - Feb 24

Sportin' the mohawk - Feb 9

Wearing daddy's boots - Feb 5

Nixon and his best bud Sabian - Jan 17

Enjoying daddy playing guitar - Jan 16

Nixon's other best bud - Feb 10